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Functions for image resizing. More...


enum  SimdResizeChannelType {
enum  SimdResizeMethodType {


SIMD_API void SimdReduceGray2x2 (const uint8_t *src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride)
 Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 2x2. More...
SIMD_API void SimdReduceGray3x3 (const uint8_t *src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, int compensation)
 Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 3x3. More...
SIMD_API void SimdReduceGray4x4 (const uint8_t *src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride)
 Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 4x4. More...
SIMD_API void SimdReduceGray5x5 (const uint8_t *src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, int compensation)
 Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 5x5. More...
SIMD_API void SimdResizeBilinear (const uint8_t *src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, size_t channelCount)
 Performs resizing of input image with using bilinear interpolation. More...
SIMD_API void * SimdResizerInit (size_t srcX, size_t srcY, size_t dstX, size_t dstY, size_t channels, SimdResizeChannelType type, SimdResizeMethodType method)
 Creates resize context. More...
SIMD_API void SimdResizerRun (const void *resizer, const uint8_t *src, size_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstStride)
 Performs image resizing. More...
SIMD_API void SimdStretchGray2x2 (const uint8_t *src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride)
 Stretches input 8-bit gray image in two times. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray2x2 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 2x2. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray3x3 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, bool compensation=true)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 3x3. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray4x4 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 4x4. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray5x5 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, bool compensation=true)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 5x5. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ReduceGray (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst, ::SimdReduceType reduceType, bool compensation=true)
 Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ResizeBilinear (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs resizing of input image with using bilinear interpolation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void ResizeAreaGray (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Performs resizing of input image with using area interpolation. More...
template<template< class > class A>
SIMD_INLINE void StretchGray2x2 (const View< A > &src, View< A > &dst)
 Stretches input 8-bit gray image in two times. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for image resizing.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ SimdResizeChannelType

Describes resized image channel types.


8-bit integer channel type.


32-bit float channel type.

◆ SimdResizeMethodType

Describes methods used in oreder to resize image.


Bilinear method.


caffe::interp compatible method.

Function Documentation

◆ SimdReduceGray2x2()

void SimdReduceGray2x2 ( const uint8_t *  src,
size_t  srcWidth,
size_t  srcHeight,
size_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
size_t  dstWidth,
size_t  dstHeight,
size_t  dstStride 

Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 2x2.

For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2, dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.

For all points:

dst[x, y] = (src[2*x, 2*y] + src[2*x, 2*y + 1] + src[2*x + 1, 2*y] + src[2*x + 1, 2*y + 1] + 2)/4;
This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ReduceGray2x2(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
[in]src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
[in]srcWidth- a width of the input image.
[in]srcHeight- a height of the input image.
[in]srcStride- a row size of the input image.
[out]dst- a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
[in]dstWidth- a width of the output image.
[in]dstHeight- a height of the output image.
[in]dstStride- a row size of the output image.

◆ SimdReduceGray3x3()

void SimdReduceGray3x3 ( const uint8_t *  src,
size_t  srcWidth,
size_t  srcHeight,
size_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
size_t  dstWidth,
size_t  dstHeight,
size_t  dstStride,
int  compensation 

Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 3x3.

For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2, dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.

For every point:

dst[x, y] = (src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 2*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] +
          2*(src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 2*src[2*x, 2*y]   + src[2*x+1, 2*y]) +
             src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 2*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + compensation ? 8 : 0) / 16;
This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ReduceGray3x3(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst, bool compensation).
[in]src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
[in]srcWidth- a width of the input image.
[in]srcHeight- a height of the input image.
[in]srcStride- a row size of the input image.
[out]dst- a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
[in]dstWidth- a width of the output image.
[in]dstHeight- a height of the output image.
[in]dstStride- a row size of the output image.
[in]compensation- a flag of compensation of rounding.

◆ SimdReduceGray4x4()

void SimdReduceGray4x4 ( const uint8_t *  src,
size_t  srcWidth,
size_t  srcHeight,
size_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
size_t  dstWidth,
size_t  dstHeight,
size_t  dstStride 

Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 4x4.

For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2, dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.

For every point:

dst[x, y] = (src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-1]
          3*(src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 3*src[2*x, 2*y]   + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y]   + src[2*x+2, 2*y]) +
          3*(src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+1]) +
             src[2*x-1, 2*y+2] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y+2] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y+2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+2] + 32) / 64;
This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ReduceGray4x4(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
[in]src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
[in]srcWidth- a width of the input image.
[in]srcHeight- a height of the input image.
[in]srcStride- a row size of the input image.
[out]dst- a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
[in]dstWidth- a width of the output image.
[in]dstHeight- a height of the output image.
[in]dstStride- a row size of the output image.

◆ SimdReduceGray5x5()

void SimdReduceGray5x5 ( const uint8_t *  src,
size_t  srcWidth,
size_t  srcHeight,
size_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
size_t  dstWidth,
size_t  dstHeight,
size_t  dstStride,
int  compensation 

Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 5x5.

For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2, dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.

For every point:

dst[x, y] = (
       src[2*x-2, 2*y-2] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y-2] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y-2] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y-2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-2] +
    4*(src[2*x-2, 2*y-1] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-1]) +
    6*(src[2*x-2, 2*y]   + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 6*src[2*x, 2*y]   + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y]   + src[2*x+2, 2*y]) +
    4*(src[2*x-2, 2*y+1] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+1]) +
       src[2*x-2, 2*y+2] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y+2] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y+2] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y+2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+2] +
    compensation ? 128 : 0) / 256;
This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ReduceGray5x5(const Viewc<A>& src, View<A>& dst, bool compensation).
[in]src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
[in]srcWidth- a width of the input image.
[in]srcHeight- a height of the input image.
[in]srcStride- a row size of the input image.
[out]dst- a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
[in]dstWidth- a width of the output image.
[in]dstHeight- a height of the output image.
[in]dstStride- a row size of the output image.
[in]compensation- a flag of compensation of rounding.

◆ SimdResizeBilinear()

void SimdResizeBilinear ( const uint8_t *  src,
size_t  srcWidth,
size_t  srcHeight,
size_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
size_t  dstWidth,
size_t  dstHeight,
size_t  dstStride,
size_t  channelCount 

Performs resizing of input image with using bilinear interpolation.

All images must have the same format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).

This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ResizeBilinear(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
[in]src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
[in]srcWidth- a width of the input image.
[in]srcHeight- a height of the input image.
[in]srcStride- a row size of the input image.
[out]dst- a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
[in]dstWidth- a width of the output image.
[in]dstHeight- a height of the output image.
[in]dstStride- a row size of the output image.
[in]channelCount- a channel count.

◆ SimdResizerInit()

void * SimdResizerInit ( size_t  srcX,
size_t  srcY,
size_t  dstX,
size_t  dstY,
size_t  channels,
SimdResizeChannelType  type,
SimdResizeMethodType  method 

Creates resize context.

[in]srcX- a width of the input image.
[in]srcY- a height of the input image.
[in]dstX- a width of the output image.
[in]dstY- a height of the output image.
[in]channels- a channel number of input and output image.
[in]type- a type of input and output image channel.
[in]method- a method used in order to resize image.
a pointer to resize context. On error it returns NULL. This pointer is used in functions SimdResizerRun. It must be released with using of function SimdRelease.

◆ SimdResizerRun()

void SimdResizerRun ( const void *  resizer,
const uint8_t *  src,
size_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
size_t  dstStride 

Performs image resizing.

[in]resizer- a resize context. It must be created by function SimdResizerInit and released by function SimdRelease.
[in]src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
[in]srcStride- a row size (in bytes) of the input image.
[out]dst- a pointer to pixels data of the resized output image.
[in]dstStride- a row size (in bytes) of the output image.

◆ SimdStretchGray2x2()

void SimdStretchGray2x2 ( const uint8_t *  src,
size_t  srcWidth,
size_t  srcHeight,
size_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
size_t  dstWidth,
size_t  dstHeight,
size_t  dstStride 

Stretches input 8-bit gray image in two times.

This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::StretchGray2x2(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
[in]src- a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
[in]srcWidth- a width of the input image.
[in]srcHeight- a height of the input image.
[in]srcStride- a row size of the input image.
[out]dst- a pointer to pixels data of the stretched output image.
[in]dstWidth- a width of the output image.
[in]dstHeight- a height of the output image.
[in]dstStride- a row size of the output image.

◆ ReduceGray2x2()

void ReduceGray2x2 ( const View< A > &  src,
View< A > &  dst 

Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 2x2.

For input and output image must be performed: dst.width = (src.width + 1)/2, dst.height = (src.height + 1)/2.

For all points:

dst[x, y] = (src[2*x, 2*y] + src[2*x, 2*y + 1] + src[2*x + 1, 2*y] + src[2*x + 1, 2*y + 1] + 2)/4;
This function is a C++ wrapper for function SimdReduceGray2x2.
[in]src- an original input image.
[out]dst- a reduced output image.

◆ ReduceGray3x3()

void ReduceGray3x3 ( const View< A > &  src,
View< A > &  dst,
bool  compensation = true 

Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 3x3.

For input and output image must be performed: dst.width = (src.width + 1)/2, dst.height = (src.height + 1)/2.

For every point:

dst[x, y] = (src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 2*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] +
          2*(src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 2*src[2*x, 2*y]   + src[2*x+1, 2*y]) +
             src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 2*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + compensation ? 8 : 0) / 16;
This function is a C++ wrapper for function SimdReduceGray3x3.
[in]src- an original input image.
[out]dst- a reduced output image.
[in]compensation- a flag of compensation of rounding. It is equal to 'true' by default.

◆ ReduceGray4x4()

void ReduceGray4x4 ( const View< A > &  src,
View< A > &  dst 

Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 4x4.

For input and output image must be performed: dst.width = (src.width + 1)/2, dst.height = (src.height + 1)/2.

For every point:

dst[x, y] =   (src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-1]
            3*(src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 3*src[2*x, 2*y]   + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y]   + src[2*x+2, 2*y]) +
            3*(src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+1]) +
               src[2*x-1, 2*y+2] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y+2] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y+2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+2] + 32) / 64;
This function is a C++ wrapper for function SimdReduceGray4x4.
[in]src- an original input image.
[out]dst- a reduced output image.

◆ ReduceGray5x5()

void ReduceGray5x5 ( const View< A > &  src,
View< A > &  dst,
bool  compensation = true 

Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image with using window 5x5.

For input and output image must be performed: dst.width = (src.width + 1)/2, dst.height = (src.height + 1)/2.

For every point:

dst[x, y] = (
       src[2*x-2, 2*y-2] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y-2] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y-2] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y-2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-2] +
    4*(src[2*x-2, 2*y-1] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-1]) +
    6*(src[2*x-2, 2*y]   + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 6*src[2*x, 2*y]   + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y]   + src[2*x+2, 2*y]) +
    4*(src[2*x-2, 2*y+1] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+1]) +
       src[2*x-2, 2*y+2] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y+2] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y+2] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y+2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+2] +
    compensation ? 128 : 0) / 256;
This function is a C++ wrapper for function SimdReduceGray5x5.
[in]src- an original input image.
[out]dst- a reduced output image.
[in]compensation- a flag of compensation of rounding. It is equal to 'true' by default.

◆ ReduceGray()

void ReduceGray ( const View< A > &  src,
View< A > &  dst,
::SimdReduceType  reduceType,
bool  compensation = true 

Performs reducing (in 2 times) and Gaussian blurring a 8-bit gray image.

For input and output image must be performed: dst.width = (src.width + 1)/2, dst.height = (src.height + 1)/2.

[in]src- an original input image.
[out]dst- a reduced output image.
[in]reduceType- a type of function used for image reducing.
[in]compensation- a flag of compensation of rounding. It is relevant only for SimdReduce3x3 and SimdReduce5x5. It is equal to 'true' by default.

◆ ResizeBilinear()

void ResizeBilinear ( const View< A > &  src,
View< A > &  dst 

Performs resizing of input image with using bilinear interpolation.

All images must have the same format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).

This function is a C++ wrapper for function SimdResizeBilinear.
[in]src- an original input image.
[out]dst- a resized output image.

◆ ResizeAreaGray()

void ResizeAreaGray ( const View< A > &  src,
View< A > &  dst 

Performs resizing of input image with using area interpolation.

All images must have the same format (8-bit gray).

[in]src- an original input image.
[out]dst- a resized output image.

◆ StretchGray2x2()

void StretchGray2x2 ( const View< A > &  src,
View< A > &  dst 

Stretches input 8-bit gray image in two times.

This function is a C++ wrapper for function SimdStretchGray2x2.
[in]src- an original input image.
[out]dst- a stretched output image.