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Options Struct Reference

Options structure. More...

Public Member Functions

 Options ()

Data Fields

int CalibrationScaleLevelMax
 A maximum scale of input frame. By default it is equal to 3 (maximum scale in 8 times).
int DifferenceGrayFeatureWeight
 A weight of gray feature for difference estimation. By default it is equal to 18.
int DifferenceDxFeatureWeight
 A weight of X-gradient feature for difference estimation. By default it is equal to 18.
int DifferenceDyFeatureWeight
 A weight of Y-gradient feature for difference estimation. By default it is equal to 18.
bool DifferencePropagateForward
 An additional boosting of estimated difference. By default it is true.
bool DifferenceRoiMaskEnable
 A flag to restrict difference estimation by ROI. By default it is true.
double BackgroundGrowTime
 Initial time (in seconds) of updated background in fast mode. By default it is equal to 1 second.
double BackgroundIncrementTime
 Background update speed (in seconds) in normal mode. By default it is equal to 1 second.
int BackgroundSabotageCountMax
 Maximal count of frame with sabotage without scene reinitialization. By default it is equal to 3.
double SegmentationCreateThreshold
 Threshold of segmentation to create motion region. It is restricted by range [0, 1]. By default it is equal to 0.5.
double SegmentationExpandCoefficient
 Segmentation coefficient of area expansion of motion region. It is restricted by range [0, 1]. By default it is equal to 0.75.
double StabilityRegionAreaMax
 Defines maximal total area of motion regions othervise sabotage event is generated. It is restricted by range [0, 1]. By default it is equal to 0.5.
int TrackingTrajectoryMax
 Maximal length of object trajectory. By default it is equal to 1024.
double TrackingRemoveTime
 A time (in seconds) to remove absent object. By default it is equal to 1 second.
double TrackingAdditionalLinking
 A coefficient to boost trajectory linking. By default it is equal to 0.
int TrackingAveragingHalfRange
 A half range parameter used to average object trajectory. By default it is equal to 12.
double ClassificationShiftMin
 A minimal shift (in screen diagonals) of motion region to detect object. By default it is equal to 0.075.
double ClassificationTimeMin
 A minimal life time (in seconds) of motion region to detect object. By default it is equal to 1 second.
int DebugDrawLevel
 A pyramid level used for debug annotation. By default it is equal to 1.
int DebugDrawBottomRight
 A type of debug annotation in right bottom corner (0 - empty; 1 = difference; 2 - texture.gray.value; 3 - texture.dx.value; 4 - texture.dy.value). By default it is equal to 0.
bool DebugAnnotateModel
 Debug annotation of model. By default it is equal to false.
bool DebugAnnotateMovingRegions
 Debug annotation of moving region. By default it is equal to false.
bool DebugAnnotateTrackingObjects
 Debug annotation of tracked objects. By default it is equal to false.

Detailed Description

Options structure.

Describes options used by Simd::Motion::Detector.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Options()

Options ( )

Default constructor of Options.